Saturday, January 17, 2009

I got a new moving prop picture capturing device

Oh the joys of taking pictures with a cell phone.

It never gets old.


ASRussell said...

that is a pretty cool picture!!! And yes, I am very busy, but I enjoy it! I just hope that it goes okay...I have always feared starting my own business, but bows and flowers seem to sell really good around here...alot of really prissy woman that like to doll up their little girls...heeee heee!!!! I just happen to be one of them ;)

The VIPs said...

giggity giggity giggity

Rachael Havens said...

Hey Lauren! I found your blog on Facebook and I love this picture. I've never been in a plane before. Yes I know this is pathetic, but such is life. I will be some day... If you want you can check out my blog at
Do you mind if I link your blog site to my blog?
Well anyways talk to you later!