Thursday, January 29, 2009


I've been called out, three times now, why must you make me think?

1. The first time I broke someones window while playing sports outside was a couple of months ago, I still maintain a non-guilty plea based on a witnesses statement, "there was already a crack in it".

2. I over analyze and think waaay too much about certain things. Geez, you'd think I'd have things figured out by now...

3. As an infant, my sister, at the brave age of 7, fought off a cow that was sure to eat me whilst on Assay Creek.

4. I like to keep everything else in my life, other than my room, clean.

5. I've beat Halo 3 a few times, it's a double digit number.

6. Totally have seen Air Force One, yes the real one.

7. Decided not to eat McDonald's for at least a year, despite the rumors of Ronald and I's engagement and ultimate break up.

8. I fear success and ultimate happiness, do they exist in my world? Who knows.

9. Women's shirts and pants are often too short for me, and frankly, I'm pissed.

10. I never really imagined completing college or getting married, that *might* coincide with #8.

11. I'm absolutely sure to rearrange the order of these notes before submission, can't have too many short ones together.

12. I loath country music and Carson City, the same amount.

13. I love my 80's music and ice cream.

14. Pretty sure I'll never get good enough to do things I want to do on a longboard, wakeboard, surfboard, and snowboard. I'm destined for mediocre and I hate that. But I can sure grease the hell out of 10 knot crosswind.

15. I used to yell into the country side on Becky's bridge by her house, unknown to her. Ha ha.

16. Buried my volleyball knee pads in lava rocks during 8th grade, that may have been the REAL reason why I didn't play. Ha ha. I do enjoy some beach volleyball though.

17. One day, I'd love to have more than $100,000 in student loans. I can eat, sleep, and breath sarcasm all day.

18. People underestimate my remembrance ability and abuse it.

19. I want to visit, and possibly move to Iceland despite their recent government problems, I'm going to pursue gnomes.

24. I don't want to count to 25.

25. I've been faster on a motorcycle than in any of the planes I've personally flown.


The VIPs said...

alright- first, the real air force one? Like, the plane or the movie? cause if you've only seen the movie that isn't very impressive.

second- why did you stand on my bridge and yell? I had a phone, you could have just called me, it would have been a lot easier.

Lauren said...

Yes, the real one. At the time these random yelling sessions took place, I don't think we were friends yet, it was in 7th grade or so.

Vip said...

I like the gnome idea, I want to go on a 3 year Big Foot expedition but Becky says he isn't real. I still hold out hope.