Saturday, November 29, 2008

I don't know how many of you have had an opportunity or patience to watch clouds build, generally they're slow and subtle. But on a moist and convective afternoon, anything is possible. The best seat in the house is obviously a mile above beloved earth, and only a few thousand few away from it. I could stare at clouds for hours watching them build, expanding effortlessly. Like smoke billowing out of some center, core of billowing possibilities. And of course it's miraculous ability to exude that very pillow, fluffy shape. As soft as they look, they're one of the most dangerous, like murderous bunnies.

The sultry air of the Tucson valley, yes sultry. Not sexy, just hot and sweaty.

Oh and I don't know what you all do on Thanksgiving besides eat your heart out, but we roll with fireworks, good ones. Come 'round for Christmas, we do the same.


Vip said...

never had the patience to watch clouds form but it sounds awesome, oh, and I think the Tucson Valley air is very very sexy.

Great post.

ASRussell said...

way cool! I bet it is quite the experience