Thursday, April 9, 2009

'Bout Time

Been a while since I've really been on a good flight lately, being laid off really put a damper on things. However, I have returned.

Had a great uneventful trip up north.
Utah Lake

Turned around and had another one to revive my true Taco Tuesday roots in Lake Powell,
this is no Del Taco folks...

I'm getting that itch to be on the lake again...


Vip said...

Ah...but you can't replace a good Del Taco run either. Trust me we steal the coupons that are left over at the paper and make a solid week of Del Taco lunches. Don't diss the Del.

The VIPs said...

as always-- AWESOME photos.

Lauren said...

Ah but you can replace Del Taco, it should never be in the running any way. You clearly have not had the Taco's at The Bowl in Page. I challenge you to try them and then speak so highly of your Del what's their name. Challenge extended.

Rachael Havens said...

Love these photos! yum tacos...