Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One of the coolest trips ever (for me anyway)

For our commercial ratings, we usually do a day VFR cross country to a little airstrip on the north end of Lake Powell. If you know me at all, then you hear of Powell all the time, so it must be pretty spectacular, right?

We usually start here.

And enjoy some changing scenery from mountains, to harsh desert. Then we arrive.

And here is what we have to work with, haha. Yes really. It's all in good fun, a little raised blood pressure, adrenaline rush. Yeah, it's awesome.

In the moment, you don't realize all of the hazards, but it's totally worth it.

The wingtips hang over the edge, there's a turn in the runway, and then there's this, the best part... It doesn't look like much, but there's a very rocky and prominent ridge on the other side, so we end up flying in-between these rock structures in order to land.


The VIPs said...

alright! Who the hell are you, how did you find my blog and when did you get a blog and not tell me about it! Ha! Awesome!

The VIPs said...

okay, now that I'm over the shock of some random person calling my husband and hippie (and you're right) and finding out that it's you, I actually read your blog and that sounds a little...stupid. A turn in the runway?? Do you have a death wish? Just joshing ya, it sounds way cool and as always, your pictures are AWESOME.

The VIPs said...

I heard the sarcasm in that comment. C'mon, I've got to post the cute sappy pictures for the grandparents.

The VIPs said...

so.....any more cool flying pictures coming any time soon?

Lauren said...

Just the same ol places. Now that I'm teaching I spend A LOT of time in the area, no more traveling the western states. But don't worry, I have a ton of photos yet.

ASRussell said...

i love these pictures...im a big fan of lake powell